Sunday, September 9, 2012

Minutes from the 74th Collins Family Reunion

As is already well-known, God created the heavens and the earth and all things contained within in seven days, the last of which he took a well-deserved rest.  Had there been an eighth day, one might surmise that God, feeling a bit peckish after all that, would have created the Collins family reunion. The scriptures then might have recorded that “Fried chicken and casseroles he created them, and then God said ‘Let’s eat’, and he pronounced it was all real good.”

Such theological musings were not on the agenda of the 74rd annual Collins Family Reunion, held September 12, 2008 at Goshen Baptist, the ancestral church nestled amongst the rolling hills of the Salacoa Valley.  Once again, more than 100 hungry kinfolks made the annual pilgrimage to run the gauntlet of food-heavy 8 foot tables in the fellowship hall.  Two straight years in three digit attendance probably means the word is finally getting around that there’s a load of free food to be had for just taking the trouble to show up.  As usual, the fare offered did not disappoint.

Come round about 1 p.m., the annual sideshow known as the family business meeting got underway, called to order in no uncertain terms by President Anna Lee Moss. After some misdirected comments that were not recorded here, which is for the better, John Bennett was asked to offer up a prayer to open the proceedings, and did a right honorable job, at least as far as we could tell.

The secretary was called upon to give a pained rendition of the minutes of the last reunion, which he did with the all the energy and passion of a sack full of room-temperature French fries. After enduring a withering barrage of corrections, the minutes were finally approved, but not nearly as they were read.

The president took the podium once again and randomly launched into the program, for whatever reason landing on new business first.  After some thoughtful discussion back and forth on the matter between the pulpit and the assembly, it was finally determined that the meeting should follow usual and proper decorum, which would be to begin first with discussion of matters related to old business.  Regaining her footing, the president confidently asked for discussion of matters related to old business.  There were none, so we move on to new business.

New business always means the building of the lists, and they were as follows:

  • Marriages from the previous year:
    • Jonathan Hasty to Alison Langeler on November 17, 2007.
    • Kendall Jackson married to Barbara Claypool on June 28, 2007.
In a nod to the spirit of the times, Don Campbell asked if there was anyone co-habitating without the benefit of matrimony.  There were no takers on that.

Once again, many in the family were preoccupied with procreation in the previous year, as another truckload of births was announced.  There were:

·         Anastasia Eaton Neves to Mark and Venessa Neves on January 29.
·         William Tyler Hasty to …
·         Gage Christopher Stamey to Sharon Campbell on November 8, 2007
·         Hampton Bradley Cox to Brad and Amy Bennett Cox, December 7, 2007
·         Skyler Rogers to Brad and Sarah Rogers on November 11, 2007
·         Brooklyn Reese Rogers to Kevin and April Rogers August 22, 2008
·         Ian Francis Merritt to Mark and Heather Merritt, December 2, 2007

In the area of demises, there were thankfully none to report, which is always good news.

Reunion Meeting Rookies last year were:
  • Jimmy and Kylie Parker
  • Leon Cox
  • Charity Moss, there were some discussion as to the accuracy of that claim
  • Gage Stamey, who also turned out to be the youngest among us.
In the category of most seasoned family member, Anna Lee accused Sarah Sue Cleghorn of being the eldest, but it was in fact Suzie D. Eaton who clocked in at 94 years.  Sarah wanted it noted that she had many more years to catch up.

The farthest traveled title was retained by Sonny Collins for an unprecedented second consecutive year.  Nobody seemed that impressed.

As the nation was in the grip of a heated presidential campaign, so to it was time to shoo out the current crop of family officers to make way for new officers that would help guide the family in new, bold directions over the next two years, or at least show up to the next meeting.  So Anna Lee, eager to pass the metaphorical gavel, launched right in, but wisely chose to take up the annual collection for the family treasury first, lest anyone hold out based on the results of the impending election.

            So the circus began with nominations for president.  After Terrance McFarland quickly declined his nomination, Anna Lee, immediately nominated her sister, Janet Mueller, in an attempt to keep the presidency female for another two years.  Not entirely buying in, Janet nominated her husband, David, who acquiesced because it was probably the best way to stay out of trouble.  After a vote of the assembly David Mueller was elected almost unanimously, the only vote against being that of the candidate himself.

            With the whole process already starting to lose steam, the current Vice President, Greg Collins, was nominated for the same office, as it seemed the easiest way to get to the end of the meeting.  After a vote of the assembly he was elected almost unanimously, the only vote against being that of the candidate himself.

            Wayne Collins, not paying attention, agreed to retain the post of Secretary/Treasurer again, but only on the condition that his wife be relieved of the office of reunion organizer, as the house was simply overrun with plastic silverware and cups that needed a better home.

            Thus, the office of Reunion Organizer was created and Janet Mueller, for better or worse, was tossed squarely into that lion’s den.

            Just as the family was getting antsy to get on with their day, Ann Merritt decided to start a debate about continuing the pre-reunion Saturday night tradition, which involved the early-bird special at William’s Brothers Barbeque in Canton.  Lest the debate get out of hand and the whole thing blow up into a congressional town hall meeting, the president called for a quick vote.  Ultimately the vote was against change, and barbeque carried the day.

            Then, after a resounding verse of “Blest be the Tie”, the 74th annual reunion was adjourned.

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