Friday, September 14, 2007

Resolution, I Rekon!

Perhaps one of our burning issues have been put to rest. We may have an answer regarding exactly what number to attach to the reunion going forward (refer to the 69th (70th) minutes). I posit this missive from Aunt Ann (Merritt):

Sarah Sue called last evening and wants to correct/clear up the matter of when the reunion actually began. She said the first was indeed a birthday celebration for Great Grandma in 1934, and the photo on the blog was of the 2nd reunion, in 1935. She is basing her input on the obvious ages of the babies in the photo. Her sister Pat, born in 1933, is one of them, and Sarah Sue says Pat is nearly a year old in the photo.

I don’t know how all the confusion began, but I guess it was because of the date on the photo where 1935 had been marked out and 1936 written in beside it.

Thus, because of the past relative's errant jot some unknown number of years previous, the relative of some years hence is perched over all of this newfangled technology correcting the error whereas otherwise he might have been enjoying an iced tea on the veranda, if he in fact owned such a thing. Just shows once again how how a few strokes of a pen can alter history -- Jefferson, Lincoln, Collins. So, in case you had your teeth on edge, this last one was the 72nd Collins Reunion. Rest well tonight.

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