Friday, October 5, 2007

Show me thy money

Very interesting bit of history regarding the family progenitor in the new world. If you were to drop everything and take off with a group of guys on a crusade to keep Charleston, SC, I suppose you would want to get paid, too, even if the trip wasn't as successful as all that. If you'd like more knowledge about the surrender of Charleston to the British in 1780, click here.

At anywise, please enjoy the following, our link to Revolutionary War heritage. Thanks for the info to Richard Nix, by way of Aunt Ann. You should note the spelling is how it was:

North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal -- Revolutionary War Papers, compiled by Ransom McBride.

Lincoln County, North Carolina

Collans, Jacob. Request of Capt. Jacob Collans for payment to the men of his company at the surrender of Charleston in 1780, dated 14 Oct. 1786.

"Gentlemen Comitionars please to Grant the Clames of the within List Seporat as it will be mutch convenianter for me and the within Named Soldiers and you will mutch oblidg your friend and Hum'l Serv't. Signed, Jacob Collans

A just and true list of Capt. Collans es Company at the Sorender of Charlestown is as folows --

Jacob Collans -- Capt.
Joseph Beatey --- Lieut.
James Gilmore --- Sergant
David McMiken --- Sergant
William Cor___os --- Corpal.

The following are soldiers from Lincoln County,

Samuel Elison
Sacariah Sufield
Abner Warnock
George Reel
Frederick Balsdroff
Archibald Elison
James Robertson
Robert Berey
William _____
John McLean
George Rominger
James Dickson
Jonatha Thomas Givens
John Hopkins

The following are soldiers from Burke County,

Simon Pack
John Alon
Fradrick Fifinger
William Hainsworth
John Smith Hainsworth

Deposition of Capt Jacob Collans, dated 14 Oct 1786, "that the above named offisers and Soldiers was under his command at the Sorender of Charlestown in the year 1780 being Drafted from North Carolina for a three months tower of Duety and That the were peroaled home and hath not been Returned by him or Received aney order from him to receive pay for the Same and that he himself Nor Aney of the above named offisers or Soldiers his had aney Satisfaction to his knolieg.

Sworn before me ... John Carruth, JP Signed, Jacob Colans, Capt

On reverse: "Jacob Collins - Left home the 29th March 1780
Came home 26th May 1780"